These teens are getting roped into neo-fascism in absence of Marxist guidance showing them what the “matrix” actually represents. Vulnerable young men are getting told that yes, corporations are oppressing them, and yes, the US government is a puppet of the rich - but the solution being presented to them is to become an exploiter themselves rather than any form of class solidarity or dialectical materialism. I really feel like this “escape the matrix” rhetoric is the kind of thing we can capitalise on instead of just standing idly by as young men have their very real grievances with modern life twisted into something wholly unhealthy

  • DankZedong
    2 years ago

    I have tried many things against people that somehow get to start the right POV on things but get the wrong conclusions.

    For some weird reason, just completely shutting their shit down seems to work very well. I’m a usually calm and composed person, but for this type of shit I raise my voice a few decibel. Not being mad, just being present.

    I had a discussion about Unions and strikes today when one of my coworkers said: ‘oh I hate strikes, they don’t do anything and they are annoying.’ I jumped out of my seat and raised my voice: ‘WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN THEY ARE ANNOYING? PEOPLE STRIKING ARE THERE TO FIGHT FOR YOU. FOR YOUR RIGHTS. FOR AN IMPROVEMENT OF YOUR LIFE. IF YOU DON’T WANT THAT I’LL MAKE SURE THAT WE EXCLUDE YOU FROM THE BENEFITS OF STRIKING YOU TWAT.’ And it got the message across.

    Moments later someone else said that she had previously been tasked to break strikes apart. I completely lost it and called her a dirty class traitor that should be absolutley ashamed of herself. That, too, got the message across it seemed.

    Cut their bullshit out, is what I’m trying to say. As soon as they start their anti-socialist, racist, homophobic, whatever kind of shit, cut them out. Do it quick and do it hard. Make them actually think about what they are saying.

    These people don’t seem to listen to soft talking and debating. Just cut them off.

    Also, lead by example. I announced that I will be striking soon and if the company does not want that they can go fuck themselves. I protest and I’m proud of it. I tell what I think about the current political thing. Don’t hide your ideology. After all, this ideology makes sense and is sound. It will bring people over.