These teens are getting roped into neo-fascism in absence of Marxist guidance showing them what the “matrix” actually represents. Vulnerable young men are getting told that yes, corporations are oppressing them, and yes, the US government is a puppet of the rich - but the solution being presented to them is to become an exploiter themselves rather than any form of class solidarity or dialectical materialism. I really feel like this “escape the matrix” rhetoric is the kind of thing we can capitalise on instead of just standing idly by as young men have their very real grievances with modern life twisted into something wholly unhealthy

  • Red
    2 years ago

    I think a lot of these men are incels, so any approach has to offer solutions to that problem. Getting laid or getting a girlfriend is a very high priority for a lot of these men, so I don’t think they will care unless a ML approach offers viable solutions to that problem. Like someone who is starving, they will listen to those who claim to know how to get an abundance of food, and care less about the actual reasons as to why they are starving until their needs have been met.

    I think ML has an advantage because it is all about treating people equally, fairly, and with respect. Women want to be treated well. Someone just needs to develop dating advice from a ML perspective to reach these guys.

      2 years ago

      Becoming an ML was life changing for me in so many ways. I feel like I finally started to understand the reasons behind things.

      I also began to realize what it really meant to treat others with the basic respect that every human (by default - some people definitely don’t deserve respect due to their actions) deserves.

      • Red
        2 years ago

        I can totally relate. It is truly life-changing. Aside from the new understanding of economics, politics, society, and everything else, becoming a ML has certainly helped improve my social skills, dating life, and relationships with others by increasing my empathy and respect for other people.

        I was an incel for a long time and turned to PUAs, dating and lifestyle coaches to help improve my social skills. Luckily I was already pretty far left so I was able to filter out the toxic garbage and just take the legitimate good advice. But the problem is a lot of guys swallow the whole package because they can’t separate the good from the bad. I think Communist dating coaches could be amazingly effective and reach a lot of decent people because all that toxic shit would be absent and it would just be pure objectively correct good advice.

          2 years ago

          I definitely had some incel tendencies when I was younger. I’m a bit older so that term wasn’t quite used, but I had some similar thoughts. Glad I don’t think like that anymore.

          Honestly, a lot of those guys just try way too hard. If you genuinely listen to someone and show them respect, they will probably like you.

          But also, no one is entitled to anyone else’s romantic feelings and certainly not their bodies. If someone isn’t interested, just respect that and move on. There are plenty of people, someone will like you (if you have a good personality).

          People would be so much happier to just check their egos. It’s genuinely the quickest way to find happiness.

    • KiG
      2 years ago

      It’s certainly doable.

      Not something I like to bring up, but I used to listen to Vaush back when he first hit the scene years ago. A big focus of his back then was reaching fascists, and he had several videos related to dating advice, and general advice for socializing/making friends/etc. Not perfect but it did a good job of giving a solution that wasn’t intrinsically linked to fascism. If a petulant liberal like him can do it, we certainly can.

    2 years ago

    a problem we’ve had locally is people dating in-party (or in other leftist groups), having a falling out and causing a divide or friction in the group

    i have a lead position and feel like i shouldn’t date anyone really, even outside of the party. between that and keeping a roof over my head I really don’t have time or the emotional space to engage in romantic relationships

      2 years ago

      Sadly it is an inescapable human fault that we innately seek out relationships and partnerships. It would be a fools errand to try and push back on this instinct and need. However I feel the problem doesn’t lie with the people involved, but the fact that people are not taught how to properly communicate, when and how to express humility, what to look for and find what you want in a partner, and how to be amicable even if separation is the best answer to a problem in a relationship.

      This is by design in a capitalist system, which creates and feeds off of the toxicity, desire for status, selfishness, objectification of people, desperation, hostility, and depression created by the endlessly consumerist, and individualist minefield that most modern “relationships” have become. This will have to be repaired and rectified in a communist world, but for now the best we can do is be aware of ourselves and work to improve ourselves beyond what various systems tell us.

      So there’s no fault in how you feel comrade, in fact it is significantly more respectable and healthy that you realize that you don’t have the resources to handle a relationship at the moment. I wish you all the best with everything going on in your life, you’ve got this : )

  • DankZedong
    2 years ago

    I have tried many things against people that somehow get to start the right POV on things but get the wrong conclusions.

    For some weird reason, just completely shutting their shit down seems to work very well. I’m a usually calm and composed person, but for this type of shit I raise my voice a few decibel. Not being mad, just being present.

    I had a discussion about Unions and strikes today when one of my coworkers said: ‘oh I hate strikes, they don’t do anything and they are annoying.’ I jumped out of my seat and raised my voice: ‘WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN THEY ARE ANNOYING? PEOPLE STRIKING ARE THERE TO FIGHT FOR YOU. FOR YOUR RIGHTS. FOR AN IMPROVEMENT OF YOUR LIFE. IF YOU DON’T WANT THAT I’LL MAKE SURE THAT WE EXCLUDE YOU FROM THE BENEFITS OF STRIKING YOU TWAT.’ And it got the message across.

    Moments later someone else said that she had previously been tasked to break strikes apart. I completely lost it and called her a dirty class traitor that should be absolutley ashamed of herself. That, too, got the message across it seemed.

    Cut their bullshit out, is what I’m trying to say. As soon as they start their anti-socialist, racist, homophobic, whatever kind of shit, cut them out. Do it quick and do it hard. Make them actually think about what they are saying.

    These people don’t seem to listen to soft talking and debating. Just cut them off.

    Also, lead by example. I announced that I will be striking soon and if the company does not want that they can go fuck themselves. I protest and I’m proud of it. I tell what I think about the current political thing. Don’t hide your ideology. After all, this ideology makes sense and is sound. It will bring people over.

    2 years ago

    …Im not suggesting minorities flex like oath keepers; but if you can quietly and legally buy a gun for self defense… Probably a good idea.

    I wish it was that simple. I wish these lonely brats can think twice because the ladies are packing heat.

    But I dont know what else to say. If we cant convince them; we should be prepared to take them to hell with us. 🤷‍♂️

    Makes me sick to my fucking stomach. I guess I should be thankful that more times than not; I dont see internet attitudes in real life and hopefully most of this is just talking shit.

    2 years ago

    It is quite depressing watching the odd video where Andrew Tate quite accurately describes capitalist democracy and the limitations of liberal democracy. Like, continue that thought to its logical conclusion.

  • KiG
    2 years ago

    Ultimately this boils down to organization to me. We need a serious, popular, hand-on-the-pulse ML organization that could have a whole beefy division dedicated to psyops/propaganda or other cultural/social/intellectual warfare.

    I mean, what, I could spend 2-6 weeks of my free time making such a video, the production quality would be tolerable and the content quality would be okay enough. I’d get 100-300 views. These numbers are unacceptable to me, no bang for a lot of buck.

    But would I chip in $10 to org taxes and have $1 of that go towards a dedicated specialist or team of specialists, pulling from the skills and brainpower of many more comrades, with long term plans dedicated to this issue, far more dedicated than I alone would want to plan ahead for something as niche as this? Oh yeah.

    My life has been a cluster F for the year of 2022 and it threw out my plans of seeking membership with one of the couple ML orgs already so I don’t know if this is already happening, or a possibility, or not. I’m also not familiar with any other operations. The only major English-speaking ML media outlet that comes to my mind is Breakthrough News, they fill the respectable cable news niche very well. But there needs to be something for all these poo-brained Zoomers. There’s very wide gaps in the niches MLs are filling here. Where’s the ML dating coaches, Tik Tokers, Twitch streamers, rappers, religious leaders, sports commentators? Some nice, some nasty, some informal or formal, some rated R some rated G…

    I guess part of the problem besides our general suppression would then be body count. And it’s kind of a “you need experience to get a job to get experience” sort of issue; we need bodies to make war to win bodies to make war and so on.