Welcome again to everybody! Make yourself at home. Sit down in that chair over there. Take off your shoes, please. In the time-honoured tradition of our group, here is our weekly discussion thread!

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  • DankZedong
    282 years ago

    Nation wide strike goes brrr on Wednesday. I hope it snowballs further from there on.

    Also, fuck people that are saying strikes and unions are outdated.

    • ☭CommieWolf☆
      152 years ago

      What’s the public attitude towards strikes over there? Do they have broad support?

      • DankZedong
        2 years ago

        Over 3 million people (1/4 of the country and 62% of the working pop.) are union members. The unions call for a big strike.

        I think a lot of people will strike but it is a bit unclear what exactly we are supposed to do on Wednesday. There’s not that much information coming from the unions. But I think they can rally a good amount of people.

  • DankZedong
    1 year ago

    Tomorrow is the big nation wide strike.

    I am the only one at my company going on strike. Everyone else keeps working. But I’m doing it anyway. Bit nervous, but fuck it. Being afraid won’t take you anywhere.

    • @lil_tank@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      Sometimes I wonder if I should go and read some liberal theorists to know my enemy

      Then I remembered I already read Harry Potter when I was 10

      • KiG V2
        31 year ago

        When I was big on learning fascism, my brother bought me a book entitled “Fascism” something something by some former Secretary of State (a woman, I think under Clinton?). Just skimming I caught that she basically thought fascism was just “authoritarianism” or “extremism” and talked about “fascism both on the left and the right,” rolled my eyes and shelved it. But I’ve always thought about picking it up for the same reason, to get into the mine of a neoliberal ruling class ghoul.

  • @Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
    142 years ago

    Earlier today:

    My friend: “Well, looks like we managed to live till the US election thing!”

    Me: “Eh, they’ll probably claim Russian haxxers and refuse to accept the results”

    Friend: “Maybe, lol”

    Later today:

    This shit. Like clockwork.

  • DankZedong
    141 year ago

    Feels massive to slowly see the country coming to a stop. Not because rich people want it, but because we the people do it. Together we run this shit, and by working together we can achieve great things. We have nothing to lose but our chains. Tomorrow dock workers, aircraft personel, train workers, teachers, nurses, factory workers, bus drivers, office workers, you name it will drop their work, and it’s going to fuck up the entire country. And this is just our first warning.

    I did find a way to make myself useful and I will bring food to the picket lines and my base group of the party and I will help setting up a rally in the city. ✊🏼

  • DankZedong
    131 year ago

    Some people in the media are saying that the anger of the strikers is aimed at the wrong people. It’s not the fault of the companies.

    It is the fault of, and hold on tight guys, POOTIN

    • 陈卫华是我的英雄
      41 year ago

      so, Putin controls the entire Western economy and the West somehow finds it in themselves to…oppose Putin. Interesting

      • DankZedong
        71 year ago

        Everything bad is Putin, everything good is idk Zelensky or something. Our monopolist energy company making 12 billion in profit is somehow Putins fault. Putin out there with a comically large radiator wasting away Belgian energy.

  • @Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
    111 year ago

    A little linguistic weirdness that has occurred to me recently and which I’d like to share for your thoughts.

    So back in 2008, the war between Russia and Georgia was referred to in Russia as “принуждение к миру”. In Russian it sounds quite creepy and was, at the time, the source of many a concerned discussion. But trying to translate it to English, I get the relatively common term of “enforcing peace”. Hell, police in USA are called “law enforcement” - although it is never directly translated into Russian.

    There’s no real point to this rant that I can properly formulate. Just an observation on the creepy innuendos that permeate our day to day language without anyone apparently noticing

    • 陈卫华是我的英雄
      91 year ago

      Interesting, in Chinese one of our words for “to defeat” is 消灭, for example “苏联消灭了德军” “The USSR has defeated the German army”, but its translation in English is “mass extermination

      • SovereignState
        1 year ago

        Wonderful for anti-China libs translating Chinese history/works. “We have defeated the landlords!” can become “we have exterminated the small landowners!” if you want it to. Reminds me a lot of the deliberate mistranslation of Lenin wanting “prostitutes” killed – he meant political sellouts, not people in the sex trade. “Purge”, a very scary word, has also somehow mysteriously been translated from something like “show trial” in almost all English translated Soviet documents about the purges 🤔

        • 陈卫华是我的英雄
          21 year ago

          Some guy actually told me that both the CPC and the KMT were guilty of “genocide” against Japanese people like what

  • DankZedong
    101 year ago

    Calling Putin Putler has to be some form of genocide insult. Comparing a man that is going against Western interest a name comparable to a man responsible for the genocide of millions of people is just insane.

  • @Beat_da_Rich@lemmygrad.ml
    101 year ago

    So damn tired of seeing narcissistic voting selfies from lib friends. So tired.

    Also, can’t wait to get personally blamed for the Democrats losing. As if it’s occasional leftist shitposting that lost it for them and not the fact that Democrats betrayed the immigrant community and working class once again.

    • @TeezyZeezy@lemmygrad.ml
      81 year ago

      God I hear you. I have a few liberals on social media still that just spam… well… lib shit

      Yep. All our fault, Joe Byron and the democrats do no wrong

      • @Beat_da_Rich@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        The most annoying thing is that they proudly see themselves being on “the left.”

        Like, the arrogance of loudly subscribing to an ideological camp without actually educating themselves on the bare minimum of what that even means.

        • @TeezyZeezy@lemmygrad.ml
          71 year ago

          I know, I hate it when fascists and conservatives (saying the same thing twice) lump them in as “the left” too.

          It’s harmful as fuck because it reinforces their ideological barrier that nothing further left of neoshitteralism exists and makes us look bad by lumping us in with mildly centrist/center-right fools.

          Even worse when they self describe themselves lol

          • @Beat_da_Rich@lemmygrad.ml
            51 year ago

            God I’m watching them all unravel out of desperation. They’re still posting these selfies, even from states that are called already. This is honestly really sad to watch.

            You would hope this would be a radicalizing moment, but then again, I won’t be surprised if they just keep digging their heads deeper in sand. It really is like trying to turn people away from an abusive spouse.

    • DankZedong
      51 year ago

      I for one can’t wait for nothing significant to change while material conditions keep worsening for the USonians. And in two years it’s the same song: VOTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, completely ignoring the last 600 times that voting didn’t work.

    • KiG V2
      41 year ago

      My father’s family’s house was only a mile or so from Arafat’s house! I saw it from the outside, near some concrete wall, there was also an Israeli APC or something similar parked nearby (I was pretty young, 13 at the oldest).

      (It’s also possible that whoever told me that lied, that seems to run in our family.)

      • Average PFLP Enjoyer
        21 year ago

        that sick if it’s true. I’m a one-stater but still have so much respect for Arafat and his struggle

  • DankZedong
    81 year ago

    The party has now officially tasked me with starting a youth movement in the city and surroundings. Tankie Youth as a name crossed my mind for a second, but it seems a bit much. Still, it’s a huge task but I’m stoked. Our founding members are all women and I’m the only guy lol. Hyped to see if we can actually get a movement starting.