I’m seriously considering voting for Tim Fucking Ryan. This won’t be the first time I’ve cast a ballot for monstrous bourgeois pigs. Do I have to turn in my card if I admit to voting for Joe Biden? If I had known the horrific treatment of immigrants would only intensify under him, I might have not voted in 2020, but he dangled hope over all our heads, and I was one of the idiots who reached to grab it.

I find myself cyclically struggling with the urge to vote. Obviously, the midterms are tomorrow, and I’m getting fearful that the fascists will win. I worry about the queer community, I worry about reproductive rights, and I worry about all the other shit. If I vote, I’m going to vote Democrat down the line. Nothing will change, but maybe things won’t change for the worse.

It’s frustrating that the only thing we can do within the parameters of the capitalist system is swallow these bad-faith choices. I would like to do literally anything else, but I can’t. Liberal politics is an addictive drug.

    • SovereignState@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      Wow, some of that shit is really radical. Freedom of immigration, the anti-war stuff… Blatantly calling for the repeal of the 2nd is also a brave ass political move, and one I can respect.

        • holdengreen@lemmygrad.ml
          2 years ago

          Allow Sikhs to enlist without requiring loss of turbans or facial hair

          Establish a Federal “chicken” court; whenever anyone feels the application of a rule by an agency is “chicken” they file a complaint with the chicken court - the judge and stenographer show up at the complainant’s location, record what the complainant has to say, gives the agency 5 days to defend, considers for another 5 days, and then issues a non-appealable ruling allowing or disallowing the application, the loser to pay the court $100 / Design some sort of Federal Small Claims Court where the targeted public, especially farmers, can protest arbitrarily applied and pointless regulations, and get the application of them suspended or redressed.

          Bring back ACORN.

          Require human rights improvements by Israel in exchange for continuing the $3,000,000,000 in annual foreign aid; Conversely, no direct or indirect foreign aid or any other funding shall be paid to any government or organization that does not remove from its constitution, charter, bylaws or other governing documents any advocacy for the destruction of Israel or its people.

          Support Southern Sierra Miwuk Nation (SSMN) tribal recognition.

          Encourage presidential candidates and Supreme Court Nominees to reveal their IQ, LSAT, SAT, etc. scores; move towards an understanding that climate-change deniers are unfit for public office.

          Change U.S. Government programming procurement to engage the vendors with the best programmers rather than those with the best lawyers.

          Consider banning Corexit? Consider banning PFAs?

          If there is a test out there that grades a person’s moral IQ, require a minimum score to be allowed to hold elective office.

          Provide lifetime voting membership in the House of Representatives for all past Presidents

          Repeal the right to keep and bear arms Require that every Congressional freshman who has not done so take an Economics 101 course, and keep taking it until achieving a passing grade Construct an adequate Congressional dormitory as part of the Capitol Complex

          “”" United Nations: Resolution by the U.N. / The Putin Resolution:

              Upon petition by any member nation, the United Nations shall draft for consideration a set of criteria and/or standards for defining an autocratic ruler.
              Thereafter, upon petition by any member nation, the United Nations shall consider whether or not a particular ruler is an autocrat.
              Thereafter, upon petition by any member nation, the United Nations shall consider whether on not a particular adjudged autocrat has killed or caused the death of ____ people within or without the ruled country, and if it determines that threshold death toll has been exceeded, shall draft for consideration a proposal for the United Nations to remove that autocrat from power.
              - - -


          • SovereignState@lemmygrad.ml
            2 years ago

            Typical, even the wackiest U.S. politicians still represent imperialist, bourgeois interests at their core.

            I skimmed over his policies, granted. Apologies if I implied that he was totally worthwhile or anything.