I wish you all a happy New Year!
What are your plans for this one?
Happy new year!
Workin 10pm-8am tonight. Will be making double pay, so it will be $30/hr for the 10 hr shift. It’s good money, but it does bum me out I can’t celebrate with my friends.
What job do you have that’s paying you this good?
I work as a “direct support professional”, basically a caretaker for people with developmental disabilities. The pay is usually $15, which is ass, but for the holidays I’m makin some bank. Double pay is uncommon for holidays in this field I think (usually 1.5x pay) but my workplace is really desperate lol
So, is this a temporary raise?
Yeah, just for the holiday. Still, ~$300 in one 10 hour shift is very nice. My last paycheck was ass because I had to call in one of my shifts, but this next one is gonna be incredible I think. Incredible relatively ofc, as in I’ll be able to afford rent without having an existential crisis about my finances for a couple weeks 😅
It’s your year now, Vegetables!! 🐇🐰🐇
Happy new year guys. Had a proper Dutch new year in the middle of nowhere with insane amount of fireworks.
Next year will be ours.
One year closer to world socialism!
Happy New Year , to you too Comrade ❤️
happy new year!
2 part question: Do the DPRK or Cuba follow the same calendar for new years as we in the west and if so does anyone have a link to their fireworks show for this year?
idk about the DPRK, but it would be weird if Cuba didn’t follow the same calendar as we in the west.
Happy new year, comrade!
Thank you!
(i know the event happened in july but they played the new year song so it counts)
Forgot to buy sparkling cider, crying a bit about it a lil. Other then that, hanging out with my bf and making “Power ade cocktails” (we’re snowed in and all we have is powerade and sparkling water.)
С Новым годом, товарищи!