• clanginator@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    Uhhhh no, keto is actually really bad for u if u don’t need it. Ask any actual doctor or dietician, and they’ll say going vegan is a much healthier choice, and ideally ur making sure u get a well-rounded diet, but keto is bad for you regardless. I literally got laughed at when I asked a dietician at Walter Reed about keto, while my last 3 dieticians/doctors have all either been vegan or were vegan/plant-based for a long time.

    Obviously everyone’s needs are different, but the most-recommended diet is pescatarian, because it’s not as difficult to make sure ur well-rounded as vegan, and ur not getting most of the negatives animal products.

    Keto literally starves your brain for days at a time, makes u miserable and lethargic, and does nothing to help weight loss beyond simple caloric deficit. It also greatly increases intake of red meat, which is bad for you. I literally went vegan while I was in the Army the same time my barracks-mate went on keto, and he ended up in the hospital at the next PT test while I set a personal best PT score and new company best 2-mile.

    I also don’t pay special attention to my diet but have had perfect bloodwork every year since going vegan, and got told to stop taking supplements because I didn’t need them. I always had some kind of deficiency each year prior to going vegan.

    This idea that carbs are the enemy is totally false. Most people get too few carbs and too much protein. And too much protein doesn’t actually help, despite popular claims. It just ruins ur liver faster.

    The “empty carbs” you’re talking about are non-nutritious junk food, so to say that excluding that makes a diet healthy, but a vegan diet is unhealthy because it’s excluding vitamins is ridiculous. You’re making an apples-to-oranges comparison by just excluding junk food from one diet and pretending that the rest of the diet isn’t bad for you. (it is, most people still eat junk animal products, helloo)

    It’s really not hard to eat healthy vegan food if ur comfortable cooking basic foods. I actually had a much easier time finding healthy non pre-packaged vegan food to eat compared to my squadmate trying to find keto food. And if all u eat is prepackaged (people on keto eat the same sorts of unhealthy substitutions vegans do) no diet is gonna be healthy.

    A double-double wrapped in lettuce is still a double-double, the lettuce is still empty calories, it’s just water. It just has fewer calories than a bun. So people eat a few less calories with their greasy-ass burger, and don’t eat greasy-ass empty calorie fries, and think that keto is making them lose weight. No, they’re literally just choosing to eat less. That’s what’s making them lose weight. If they had the same level of self-control on any other diet, they’d lose the same amount of weight.

    • Administrator@lemm.ee
      8 months ago

      you managed to write a wall of text, but still use ‘u’ instead of ‘you’ 🤨

    • SirQuackTheDuck@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      making sure u get a well-rounded diet

      This is the only important part.

      Vegan is fine if you’re replacing the stuff you take out, not just skip it. It’s easier now, but when vegan was just gaining traction, the alternatives weren’t as plentyful as they are now.

      But just make sure your diet is well balanced.

      • DroneRights [it/its]@lemm.ee
        8 months ago

        Potatoes and beans fit nearly all your basic needs. When were potatoes and beans not plentiful? The irish potato famine?

        • Meowoem@sh.itjust.works
          8 months ago

          He’s talking about before Sir Walter brought them back, when I were a kid we only had turnips and kale…

      • clanginator@lemmy.world
        8 months ago

        Yeah that’s also what I’m getting at with keto.

        Keto is just another diet. If you take the effort to go on a diet and improve what u are eating, ofc ur gonna be healthier. But I’ve seen no evidence that for the average person there is any benefit beyond that, and there are many negatives to it.

    • ReluctantMuskrat@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      You have a lot of bad information about keto. It certainly doesn’t make you lethargic or miserable, and definitely doesn’t starve your brain. Quite the opposite… it’s being used therapeutically for Parkinson’s disease One of the studies referenced in that article, found here is summarized this way

      “More specifically, the symptoms that improved most after keto dieting were urinary problems, pain and other unpleasant sensations, fatigue, daytime sleepiness, and cognitive impairment. These findings are particularly profound because nonmotor symptoms ultimately represent the most disabling aspect of Parkinson’s disease.”

      Regarding energy levels most people report having much more energy, and I suspect your friends issue while in the army doing PT was related to electrolytes. People going on any kind of whole food diet, which keto tends to be, often find they get very little salt in their new diet since they’re not eating processed food. People who work out or are otherwise very active often find they have to be intentional about adding salt to their diet or they will in fact find themselves tired and fatigued. Easy to remedy, and again a typical problem for anyone transitioning from a diet with lots of processed foods to one without.

      There’s been a lot more un-biased study of keto diets in recent years and a lot better science. It’s not for everybody, but it’s not intrinsically unhealthy and way better than the traditional high-carb, high-sugar, high-processed food diet.

      Also, a keto diet does not specifically include or exclude red meat. That’s an individuals choice, just like with virtually any other diet that includes animal protein.

      • clanginator@lemmy.world
        8 months ago

        Quite the opposite… it’s being used therapeutically for Parkinson’s disease

        Like I said: unless u need it. I was told about the research being done for Parkinson’s and the original use as a treatment for epilepsy by the same dietician who laughed at it as a diet for [average] people looking to improve their physical health.

        Just because a special diet is used therapuetically to treat serious cognitive issues does not mean that there is benefit for the average person.

        Also, if you’d even read the link you sent, it was a sample size of 7 and 2 of them died during the 28 day trial period, with seemingly no placebo control. Not the most compelling evidence. It definitely seems promising and deserves more research, but it’s a far cry from “currently being used to therapuetically treat”.

        The dietary treatment for these conditions is under the supervision of a doctor, and keto does quite literally starve your brain of carbs for days at a time. Ur brain consumes carbs. By ommitting that from your diet, your brain is starved of essential calories for days at a time. and again if u ask ur doctor, I can almost guarantee they’ll say something along those lines.

        And like I said in my first comment, yeah ofc a diet where you’re making a concerted effort to watch what u eat is gonna be at least marginally better than a shitty diet. That doesn’t make keto better than just eating better. It’s not. Show me a single peer-reviewed study that says that for the average person, keto is more beneficial than any other diet of similar effort.

        I guarantee you come up with nothing.

    • corsicanguppy@lemmy.ca
      8 months ago

      bad for u if u


      This is where you lost all cred. Not before the lack of carnatine.