The only thing I know about Lukashenko is whatever was in John Oliver’s piece on him; so absolutely nothing. If y’all can help me out on that I’d be grateful.

Anyway, just saw this on twitter and thought it was very sus.

  • @SpaceDogs@lemmygrad.mlOP
    182 years ago

    I like his pieces about the US but his segments on foreign nations are really misguided at best or purposefully malicious. I saw a video debunking his Venezuela piece, hope there’s one for Belarus too.

      122 years ago

      That goes to show you his belief system. It’s an injustice if it is happening to Americans and/ or the English, but not when it happens to others.

      122 years ago

      I haven’t watched his show in forever. It’s better than most still, but when the good segments highlight a legitimate issue, his solution is always just ‘vote so hard 😭’