These people keep bringing up “mArKeT sHaRE”

  1. Linux is free. How would it get market share?
  2. It’s quite difficult to get an accurate “market share” since user-agents can be faked.

EDIT: I wonder if Microsoft are making anti-Linux accounts to try and hamper Linux.

    142 years ago

    Reddit is getting worse and worse. Not sure what happened, but it started losing it’s way around 2014-2015.

      102 years ago

      When they announced they would make their codebase proprietary it was definitely a turning point. In hindsight, you can clearly see a shift in their way of doing things from that point on.

        52 years ago

        Is there anything left on Reddit about Aaron Swartz? It’s disgusting how Reddit turned on its finest.

    • @electrodynamica
      22 years ago

      Reddit started as a 4chan clone, sold out to become 4chan but legal, then sold out again to become Facebook. To be fair I think the current version is the least shitty it’s ever been, even beating out modern slashdot which is basically a Hacker News clone.