When the grocery store asks you to donate to Medicine for Orphans and you say no, you’re a horrible person who personally hates children. But when the pharma company quadruples the prices of said medicine for no reason at all, and they have a patent so no one else can legally make that drug, that’s just business and perfectly okay. And when the government slashes funding to foster care to reallocate to the oversized military, that’s just being patriotic.

Oh, and when Medicine for Orphans is spending less than 5% of your donation money on actual medicine, while having multi million dollar salaries for their entire board of directors, those are just administrative costs and you’re worse than Hitler if you dare to question such heroes and visionaries! And the fact that Medicine for Orphans is actually affiliated with a Christian church and won’t use any of your donation to help gay children, non-Christian children or children born from extramarital relationships? That’s just religious freedom!

  • SpaceCowboy
    152 years ago

    The more that non-profits engage in certain activities the less “effective” the government programs are. So for example the bookmobiles undermine libraries, and private hospitals compete with public hospitals.

    The one that is the standout and is actually already well underway is the use of charter schools to privatize education. The Walton Family foundation owns/“sponsors” an obscene amount of charter schools all over the country. and they literally use the wal mart model but on schools. They will set up like 7 blocks away from the public school, attract students and then lobby to close the public school. It’s freaking disgusting. The result is that a pretty significant portion of US schools are now charter schools.

      • SpaceCowboy
        92 years ago

        You’re welcome.

        Here’s an article about it. It tends to result in a de facto racial segregation in schools.

        • Amicese
          2 years ago

          I have no idea why anyone would want to be parents in the U.S. This country is degrading to the segregation era.