“Geez, they’re not snipers! They’re just using the sniper scope as a telescope! They’re not for use as actual snipers! We just gotta use them to look at the evil protestors!”"
“These are not weapons trained at your precious little foreheads, they’re Democracy Spreaders™’. You go to class & learn all about democracy & when you exit the building, we use these to spread all that democracy stored up in your brains all over the wall behind you.“
Managed democracy is a joke too close to reality.
Managed democracy is not a joke.
The fact that a rifle is attached to the telescope is just a funny coincidence
Just a matter of time before we have another Kent State.
My fear is that the next one will be worse.
With the artillery that’s out there these days, it’s almost a certainty.
Plus the police which seem even more bloodthirsty
Police have been taught that the only way to deal with anyone who doesn’t immediately comply is through violence. And increased militarization doesn’t help. We live in a police state but the narratives created by the ruling class have made people forget it
But what if a nuclear bomb drives a truck through the crowd and stabs everyone?? Please disregard the police beating and gassing people over there, think about how horrible it would be if a bad actor made it in there!
And happen because a foreign country willed it so.
It was really close at UT. State police, city police, and national guard called in by spineless university president (Jay Hartzell).
Fuck Jay Hartzell. Hope he gets recalled. No golden parachute.
The fact that no charges are being filed should result in a strong condemnation and accountability for the administration and the cops. You put everyone in danger when no crime was being committed. There won’t be, but there should be.
Don’t forget about Jackson State.
The event happened 11 days after the Kent State shootings
It feels like these protests are going to shape how the governments of the world will respond to mass unrest in the future.
Or in other words - those in charge want the common person to be disempowered, to frame a peaceful protest as an act of terrorism so they can be more aggressive in future.
Hopefully no one on either side does anything stupid.
These reactions by the US to a student protest are nothing new and the fact they haven’t sent in the army and killed anyone yet shows it’s not even as bad as it historically has been.
Not everything a shithole like America does dictates what the rest of the world does.
they haven’t sent in the army and killed anyone yet shows it’s not even as bad as it historically has been.
To be worse than Lukashenko is real achivement.
In the future?
Ask any student population in the past who were shot, beaten, tasered, hosed down with water cannons, and jailed what they thought would happen to future protesters.
The shape of silencing unrest, especially anti-war or liberal unrest, hasn’t changed at all. And it will look just the same a decade from now.
If those snipers were to shoot someone, the protests would be twice the size the next day.
Look what happened when Nixon, Reagan and Trump escalated violence in response to protests.
Nixon’s in songs for killiing Ohioans.
From Wiki, sadly: “President Richard Nixon, who is criticized in the song, won a landslide reelection in 1972, which included winning the 1972 United States presidential election in Ohio by a margin of over 21%.”
Nation-level gerrymandering
You can’t gerrymander the presidential election. There are no districts in that election.
You can however influence it with bribes, coercion, and intimidation.
You can’t gerrymander the presidential election.
*in countries where voting for president means voting for president, not voting for someone who maybe will vote for president
There are no districts in that election.
You can however influence it with bribes, coercion, and intimidation.
Yes. That was the election Nixon was actively cheating in, given that the Watergate commission was able to trace it right up to the president.
Yes but it would be nice if the government would listen to us before someone dies.
It would totally be nice. That’s why it’s enshrined in the first amendment that you have the right to petition your representatives for the redress of grievances. Sadly, they do not act on those petitions (Professor Lessig has studies, and crabby calls and letters to your Senator have a net zero effect) which how protests escalate to civil disobedience (to sabotage and eventually civil war).
But it’s interesting how quickly police are turning to anti-riot responses, and our government officials are supporting them. It’s noted in COIN (counter insurgency) that brutality against protests only increases public sympathy and support for the movement (