Everyone just shows up in the same feed. USians are making posts in English alongside all the posts in Chinese. I’ve seen Chinese users making jokes like “Give me your data!” or “Welcome, I’m your new Chinese spy”. I saw one comment on a post that read, “They better start posting in English soon.” which, was getting heavily flamed. Lots of Luigi posting, it would seem. I also keep getting Chinese accounts posting a lot of really cool Socialist Realism art/propaganda posters, old and new. Lots of cringe USians making posts about being “refugees” on the app.
I love that app already
Caption: The “two-state solution” proposed by Mexican netizens
but i don’t wanna live in kkklanada!!!
You vill live with ze moose, you vill drink ze maple zyrup und you vill be happy
Lots of Canadians in Florida already - cede it to them.
it’s… it’s so beautiful
我想当墨西哥人/我想成为墨西哥人 —> I want to be Mexican/I want to become Mexican
当 here means ‘to be’ in the sense of ‘act in the capacity of’ and by extension ‘be’
是 as a verb is closer to ‘is’ in the sense of ‘equals’ and isn’t directly substitutable with the English word ‘is’ or ‘are’ 100% of the time. For example someone can ask "你昨晚来的吧’ ‘You arrived last night?’ and you can reply ‘是/是的’ for ‘yes’. It’s affirming the statement as correct in a polite way. It’s a bit of a learning curve but not insurmountable.
Do you have advice for learning Mandarin, or good resources to link?
I’ll see what I can dig up? I learnt it as a second language at school, so I don’t have many handy resources for self-learning. I was thinking of adapting some resources I used for tutoring 101 Chinese into a small intro for HB, but I need to de-identify all the materials and write out the verbal stuff into text, so may take a while.
The problem with learning Chinese online on your own as an adult is that there are too many resources out there and not too few, and lots of shills and people promising you ‘one-stop-shops’. In reality you’re going to need a diversity of resources including video, text, language partners and, ideally, some formal tutoring. A tutor is the only thing I’d pay for, if you so choose and can afford it, because most stuff you should be able to find for free.
Essential resources are:
- Pleco dictionary (the best dictionary by far)
- Chinese Grammar Wiki
- WeChat (for adding friends you make). XHS could be a decent compliment or substitute. I’ve only started reusing it because of the sudden spike in interest, but I’m not huge on social media so can’t say precisely how to use it for learning Chinese yet.
Your first and most productive starting point is to learn Pinyin. It is the most popular romanisation of Mandarin sounds into latin letters, then mapped onto characters. Most sounds will be shared with English, but you will need to learn some new sounds and not be misled by the fact that they share the same letters in English. For example the ‘c’ sound isn’t an s or a k, it’s more like a ‘ts’ like in the word ‘cats’. The X in xi jinping isn’t a ‘ks’ or a ‘zhhh’, it’s closest to a ‘shh’ but with a slightly different tongue placement. I don’t want to scare you off but if you use the English equivalents you’ll be 80% there.
Tones are tricky, I don’t want to get into them here because you’ll need to learn them early but won’t get a proper handle on them until later. You’ll learn them in a basic form early on as the ‘four tones’, until you learn about melding tones (sandhi) later on, but don’t worry all in good time. Push ahead after you’ve roughly got the four major tones comfortably within your regular pitch variance.
The Chinese grammar wiki would be a good substitute for a textbook, but there are probably PDFs of textbooks you can find online. Find one that’s tied to the HSK system and work with that, because it’s mostly standarised and will teach you Chinese closest to what’s used in mainland China.
Optional resources 4) HelloTalk or iTalki or equivalent (or whatever is the current version of those apps) 5) MeetUp (or equivalent where you live)
The optional resources are for finding an online or offline language exchange partner or group respectively. If you haven’t had one before, it’s a mutual learning agreement to support one another in learning the other’s language(s) usually broken down into 50/50 time for bilingual exchange. I say that these are optional resources in the early stages because you cannot rely or expect your language partners at this stage to be able to teach you basic grammar. They’re more opportunities to try out what you’ve learnt formally and make language fumbles in a safe® environment.
In the early stages it will more be about learning set phrases, basic words and some grammatical things like sentence order and particles to mark tense, but the proper stuff is on you unless you luck out and find someone who’s both able and willing to teach grammar. Otherwise yeah it’s textbooks or tutors.
If you have a website in your area for finding tutors, you may be able to find someone who’s able to tutor you in Chinese for a price you can afford, this often includes students in Teaching Chinese as an Acquired Language who are practicing in advance getting their qualifications.
- iqiyi
- Bilibili
Consuming Chinese language media (subtitled) will help tune your ear and you may be able to start to pick up on words you’ve learnt and start to learn tones. Early on try to watch the kind of shows you’d normally watch in your primary language(s) so you don’t get bored (that being said, you may find new genres or subject matter that you’ve never encountered before). Another way of doing this is watching Chinese dubs of shows you’ve already watched and enjoyed, since you may already know the plot, so the new words fall into place. Don’t feel bad about pausing or rewinding the show to jot down new words you hear.
A good exercise is ‘shadowing’. Basically you watch or listen to a show and try to repeat what they say as closely and quickly as possible, even if you don’t understand. You’ll pick up on pronunciation, accents and tonal patterns. However this can result in people adapting awkward accents so don’t use it as a method of imprinting someone’s accent onto your own, just follow along in your comfortable vocal range.
You won’t need to learn how to handwrite characters nowadays since you’ll mostly be typing pinyin, but if you want tips on that then I can draft something up too.
I don’t wanna type too much because I think the most important part is to start /somewhere/ because you’ll never find the perfect resource that will do it all for you. It’s best to at least get the ball rolling with /something/ because you can always go back and tune up your tones or characters or pronunciation later down the track. Happy learning!
Thank you so much, I didn’t expect to get such an extensive response!
I did start learning tones with Duolingo but found it pretty hard so far, and my mental health has been going down way too much to find the motivation to commit to it. Hopefully it’s gonna improve enough to start learning again.
I’m excited to read the material you’re thinking of adapting!
Yeah, I’d learn pinyin first then tones, because tones kind of sit ‘on top’ of the base sounds of the language. It’s possible to speak toneless Mandarin and still be basically understood by context. But you can’t really speak with just pitch. I’ll @you if I ever get my act together and make the post! There’s quite a few Mandarin speakers and learners on HB so hopefully we can pool our brains together to help new learners get over the rough early game (??? is that a saying or am I just making shit up???)
当- dāng 成为- chéng wéi
In case anyone wants to see the tones
Better idea: URSA
Ldo we have to keep canada?
Just saw a post by an American asking to see photos of Chinese cities and Chinese ppl in the comments were sending photos. Super fun!
I need to go in there and tell those brave patriots not to be tricked by Chinese sorcery that makes their cities look modern it’s actually a hologram programmed by project blue beam.
This is also really cool:
Original post text:
弦歌不辍,薪火相传 思政课作业
Google Translation: The strings and songs are endless, and the firepower is passed down from generation to generation. Ideological and political coursework
These figures believed in Marxism-Leninism, had revolutionary ideas, engaged in revolutionary work, and made significant contributions. Through their theories, practices and leadership, these figures made great contributions to the world socialist democratic independence movement. Their thoughts and spirits still inspire people to fight for the cause of revolution and progress.
The work aims to inherit the red gene and promote the national spirit. It is also a beautiful vision for the future development, inspiring each generation to work hard and pass on the fire from generation to generation.
#花说Marxism#ideological and political coursework#main theme#Marx#Mao Zedong#Marxism development history#Engels#Lenin#Stalin#plate painting
Reminder that I need to get caught up to the Capital reading group…still on Chapter 1. In my defense, the introduction to the newest edition is hella long
Do you know who’s the original artist? This drawing is incredible
Wow. I’m hanging this one on my wall.
It’s really dope.
Holy shit, the trans content on this app is wholesome af. Tons of supportive Chinese users too. Really heartening to see this kind of international coming-together.
I’m so used to browsing trans TikToks and inevitably seeing transphobic shit posted by chuds in the comments, but I see only kind words here.
But lib media told me that all Chinese are anti-LGBT+?!
I literally saw someone on tiktok today saying “you can’t post trans stuff on xiaohongshu” and I was like well what’ve I been seeing then?
Any recs? I need to get me on TransBook
deleted by creator
Found this really sweet.
Framing it in the way the colonial mind can understand, good.
This one I found.
I came across a hateful MAGA comment earlier, reported it, + it immediately was like “this was unfriendly and war-induced, + has been dealt with — it’s no longer available to the public.” [害羞R] Such a breath of fresh air vs hearing the most heinous stuff “doesn’t violate community guidelines”! 🥲
The people want Hexbear moderation
The people want Hexbear moderation
Dear President Xi,
I’m a 9 year old American girl Emma. Our internet platforms are filled with liberals who are promoted by our government. My people yearn for freedom, please send DF-41 intercontinental ballistic missile.
For self defense to send to the local state legislature
I’m pleasantly surprised at the moderation myself, reported a few racist and unfriendly comments and most of them were taken down, plus I even got a message from XHS thanking me for reporting comments lol
Love to see it
Someone asked why they like Luigi so much, this was the top response:
Google translate:
China is a country that tends to be collectivist. If a person dedicates himself to the collective, he will be respected by everyone. China even has awards to recognize and promote good people who sacrifice themselves for others [shy R] Our nation continues to this day because there are many people like him who risk their own lives for the public good [shy R]
Also saw this one:
Google translate:
There is another one, sorry I forgot his name, the American soldier who set himself on fire in front of the Israeli Embassy. I forgot whether he was retired. In Chinese culture, people who petition for the people and speak out for justice are highly respected.
Response to that one:
Aaron, another hero[哭惹R][哭惹R][哭惹R]
Loving this app.
EDIT: This also came up pretty quickly:
After “big” events (at least as american reporting) I like to see what chinese commenters think about them, I might have to get the app just for that. I remember like a day or 2 after “the Adjuster” there were some comments confused about why Brian Thompson/CEO was killed and shouldn’t the killer be going after shareholders which I thought was funny but also has its own insight from being further from the situation (pretty sure Brian was a big shareholder anyways)
I saw a reply to that question that just said, “Look up the first line of our national anthem”
Stand up! Those who are unwilling to become slaves!
Is that line from “L’internationale”? Looks quite a lot like “Debut! Le Damné de la Terre” (pardon my spelling, im writing french from memory)
It’s from “March of the Volunteers”
It’s like reassuring to know that China behind the USA censorship are dirtbag shitposters like the rest of us.
That one phrase lives in my head rent free:
“The Great Firewall is for America’s sake. If it were removed, they would find out what cyberbullying really means.”
That video was a mindfuck.
They really are.
Will we ever be able to come together 🥺
been browsing it for an hour or so, front page is full of goofing on Biden and US gov lol, and a lot of Luigi stuff too as others mentioned, someone said that they plan to add a translate feature for comments, I’ll probably stick around for the Chinese language learning stuff at the very least, never used tiktok or ig
we dont hate americans
never used tiktok
you didnt use an app your goverment passed bypartisan laws to ban and erase ? Your extremly good behaved . A model Citizen basiclly.
+1000 FICO credit
look at me go
but also I was afraid of getting sucked into a new timesink
You love to see it
Unintended consequences lmao.
finally installed xiaohongshu even though i’m australian and we haven’t banned it yet, and literally the first thing i saw was luigi latte art
now this is posting
All it took was a single swipe and boom Luigi
luigi latte art
omg I need this
Probably this one: http://xhslink.com/a/VqY52MhcmxG3
thank you, thank you!
It took roughly 3 minutes of scrolling before I got a socialist art account ran by an account with a Stalin pfp. I felt right at home
RedNote, or Xiaohongshu as it’s known in China, is the number one free app on the Apple app store as of Monday, followed by TikTok’s photo-sharing Lemon8 app and OpenAI’s ChatGPT.
When I checked earlier number 3 was an app for tracking the wildfires in California 💀
Imagine people downloading chatgpt to translate rednote (what I am doing rn)
your phone should have a translate screen function. it should be more convenient to use than copy and pasting into chatgpt
Protip: US posters have 美国by their names. There are some people pretending to be from China on there pretending to be oppressed Chinese
Yeah lol I saw some people from the US and Canada trying to pass themselves off as Chinese and being racist. Actually ridiculous. Thankfully the comments I reported got taken down.
No not true I saw somebody with 美国 presenting very real symptoms of Havana Syndrome.
Hello my name is Yuanyuan, five years old Chinese girl. Jinping Xi genocided my family this morning. Please send aerial bombardments, my people yearn for freedom
it would be funny as fuck if they got CIA or Israeli bot tags
This poster goes hard! The translated post title / description was:
Soviet propaganda poster [Unbreakable World Vanguard! 】 “The Unbreakable Vanguard of the World!”, Soviet propaganda poster, 1950