Mine is Mega Man 2
you said what your favorite game was but not why, thereby breaking your own rules. You forfeit sir.
I didn’t finish typing you broke the rules by not sayng you’re game, nerd!
I don’t have to say my game I already won because you lost!
My favorite game is E.T. for the Atari because runoff from the cartridges in the landfill is literally in my tap water, so you could say I imbibe a bit of it every single day of my life
You can’t drink Atari games. They can only be absorbed via skin and aerosol, you ignoreamous.
Modded Disco Elysium where you play as Racist Lorry Driver.
my favorite video game is Shitty Game 4: Stupid Shovelware Crap No One Asked For (Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series). i like it because uhhhh it had graphics
Your game has graphics? Sounds pretty girly.
Why can’t I find a gf who loves DOS command line games from the 80s like I do 😭
I’m sorry can you please properly phrase that as a question i.e. put a question mark at the end of the sentence. I don’t want to waste my time answering something from someone who cannot at least respect proper grammar.
Full stop after “sorry”. Comeon do better.
Oh. Okay. So we’re doing ad hominems now huh. Very mature. I just wanted to share my enthusiasm for the Final Fantasy Tactics series and you can’t even afford me basic common decency and respect. I’m out.
Bad faith?
I have a bad tummy ache
Get a dictionary!
What if I get a tummy ache from eating eucharistic wafers? What then?
Well its definitely not wolfenstein. They made that game too political. Do not elaborate further as to why
I don’t waste my time with mindless drivel like video “games”. I’m much too busy reading or working on my various side hustles.
This is what’s wrong with the younger generation. All work and no respect for their elders. No wonder my adult children don’t return my calls.
If you didn’t buy the FF7 NFTs then you are not a real ecoterrorist.
Definitely. Ecoterrorism means doing terrorism on the environment.
(posting this emoji cleared 800 hectares of the Amazon rainforest)
Detroit: Become Human is objectively the best video game. And you are not entitled to an explanation, do your own research.
Street Fighter. I refuse to acknowledge the sequel because it went woke and added a feeeemale.
You’re not a real Pokémon fan unless you’ve played the fantastic rom hack called Pokémon: My Ass Version.
Gamefreak are so lazy they keep making games for babies when they should focus on updating the series for the modern day.
But they won’t make it dark and mature (because of woke), so it was up to the wonderful fans that make Pokemon: My Ass Version to step in and make a Pokemon game for real Gamers.
Yeah enough of this kid stuff i’m ready for a pokemon show with real poke-balls
freddi fish 5 because it’s not woke!
Do you know where that pic comes from? I’ve always wondered.
It’s a jan6 rioter.
My favorite game was when we picked up grass blades and held them just right and blew on them to make a whirring noise.
Something like that. I barely remember anymore. What time is the oatmeal?
world of warcraft, managerial experience