women too btw…

  • @DerPapa69@lemmy.ml
    62 years ago

    I was talking to my fiance’s dad about this type of stuff recently and he’s absolutely convinced that the working class doesn’t exist anymore lol

  • Muad'Dibber
    -12 years ago

    Baby-level understanding of class that completely ignores wage differences between a huge number of commodity-producing proletarians in the global south, vs a tiny number of service workers in imperial core countries.

    Working class means much more than “gets paid a wage”, otherwise drone pilots and stock market researchers could be considered working class.

    • @bleepingblorp@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      Are you saying that because many service workers suffer less than in many places, they don’t deserve solidarity nor should express solidarity? Because that is what this post by OP is essentially about.

      Also, even though imperial core service workers technically make more money, it still isn’t enough to provide basic needs due to higher prices. There’s a homeless woman I see every day on my commute who is begging by an onramp I pass, but she also works full time at the Starbucks next to it. She has no teeth because she can’t afford a dentist and the back of her shoes flop around because she can’t afford new ones.

      And this post wasn’t talking about solidarity with class traitors like pigs, active duty military, and wealthy financiers. It was more intended to combat the blue collar vs. service divide prevalent in society.

      If I misunderstood your implications please let me know, but otherwise we can’t ignore the plight of any working class person purely out of this “I suffer more than you!” attitude.

      Edit: spelling error fixed