• DankZedong
    22 years ago

    Did I really just see the day that a majority of the comments are now slamming the genocide narrative? How is that possible?

    • Muad'DibberOP
      22 years ago

      You see it occasionally, and they’re almost always removed once momentum starts going against the eglin air force base posters.

  • @201dberg@lemmygrad.ml
    21 year ago

    Not to bring up a dead post but do we have a good news source about this that isn’t western media? Every search I do just brings up a bunch of western BS propaganda.

  • CritiGalDesist∞
    22 years ago

    This reply though:

    West doesn’t really seem to care about the Chinese or Muslims, but sure seem to love Chinese Muslims

    • On point lol, the West has been brutalising Muslim people for centuries and are gearing up to do the same to Chinese people… but all of a sudden they seem to care about people they’d gladly put into the dirt.

  • @cmrdMiroslav@lemmygrad.ml
    12 years ago

    Comment thread wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, which is probably why the mods removed it lmao. Can’t have people even mildly questioning US state department narratives.

  • SovereignState
    12 years ago

    “Uyghur genocide… puffs cigarette… haven’t heard that name in a long time.”

  • @Seepolizei@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    Lmao, the narrative clearly wasn’t being reinforced and too many people in the comments were thinking critically so they deleted the post to shut it down.

    Is there any doubt whatsoever at this point that Reddit has been a State Department tool? I really truly believe that the r/findthebostonbomber fiasco served as a proof of concept and from that moment on the CIA has had it’s hooks in it. The State has already always been able to publish propaganda as news and media but Reddit was the ultimate utility because of it’s upvote system to literally manufactor consent, shut down alternative narratives, and create a false consensus.

    Like I’m not the type of brainlet that thinks Reddit is entirely an op and every shithead is part of the Yankee Ten Cent Army. Anglophones are just like this and a huge amount of it’s engagement is authentic. The method by which posts are curated is obviously a ploy, I think we all obviously know that. But even the SURE NUMBER of upvotes on front page propaganda stories is bordering on the absurd when you look at the amount of votes on the platform even four years ago. It’s all clearly artificially inflated, something that has been painfully clear when you look at absolutely anything Ukraine related. Obviously none of this should be news to anyone here but holy shit are they just overplaying their hand with this tool and just dancing in the end zone for the vast majority of users unwilling to recognize it because it conforms to their beliefs.

    • @cmrdMiroslav@lemmygrad.ml
      02 years ago

      Remember reddit posted their “most addicted city” as Eglin Airforce Base in Florida, USA. I’d argue it’s more compromised than Twitter or Facebook.

      • @Seepolizei@lemmygrad.ml
        2 years ago

        I was, briefly, involved with the Air Force before educating myself on Marxism and was in a rare fortunate position where I could refuse further involvement and simply walk away without having really contributed to the imperial agenda or caused any immiseration.

        I say this only to preface that while, shit yeah, Reddit is an op utilized by these intelligence groups within the government you also should know and remember that your average Air Force officer or NCO is a redditor of the HIGHEST ORDER. You will not find such terminally online militant atheist liberal rules based order Mueller Report fanboy Mass Effect Wiki contributors outside the hollowed halls of your nearest MENSA chapter as you will in the officers club of any Air Force Base. Especially pilots. They truly are the modern “knights of the air” down to having all the weird online neuroticism you would expect from an American aristocracy because they are all from money or intergenerational military bluebloods.

        These people are nerds, folks, and sickos. And when your time comes even if they turn red they will STILL be worthy of locker shoving. I think that’s important to remember.

        • @Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
          12 years ago

          because they are all from money or intergenerational military bluebloods

          Weird, and here I thought moneybags wouldn’t go anywhere near someplace that might require physicality and/or even hypothetical danger (outside of drugs). But then I guess there’s nothing more moneybag than gleefully bombing people with drones and helis.

          • @Seepolizei@lemmygrad.ml
            2 years ago

            It’s, with no exaggeration, exactly the same motivation as aristocratic noble failsons wanting to become a knight. Do you have any idea how many fucking people it takes to support a pilot? The mechanics, the weathermen, the intelligence agents, the logistics, practically every job in the Air Force not a pilot might as well be squires helping their knighted lord suit up his armor and carry his sword.

            It gives them a sense of thrill and superiority that no one else can afford, qualifying to become a pilot and getting selected for training through inter-generational contacts and referrals. Its obviously the number one top position everyone wants in the military these days, just from the “cool factor” of flying a supersonic multi-million-dollar fighter jet entrusted to one specific pilot. They think of themselves as the most noble position in the military that everyone else must wait before they are graced with their glory. They bravely charge into battle in a fighter jet like a mounted soldier, except instead of cutting down peasant levy with no armor its dropping napalm bombs on civilians from the air with no fear of reprisal.

            The idea of the hot shot rebel pilot was made, originally, because aviation was seen as disruptive to the traditional military nobility like the cavalry or the admiralty. So it was mostly poor, brave volunteers that didn’t fit with the standard bourgeoisie militarists. They were basically allowed to pioneer the technology because it was seen as too dangerous by the bluebloods, and a great way of killing off the people that didn’t come from that classist structure so they don’t rise through the ranks. After WW2 though when the technology was proven, sure as shit all the bluebloods flooded into the space and muscled out the original culture that was originally made up of mostly working class farmboys. They immediately coopted the aesthetics, merged it with their aristocratic bullshit, and they’ve been coasting off that stolen legacy and Top Gun ever since.

  • Yiazmat
    2 years ago

    whoever “EducatingYouForFree” is, they’re doing a great job replying to clowns in that thread

  • @Mzuark@lemmygrad.ml
    12 years ago

    It’s always funny how the countries who are so certain the genocide is happening are the exact same ones that want China destroyed.

    • @folaht@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      It’s funnier how these same people were saying that islam was the single most dangerous threat to the world and that all muslims were radical and should be re-educated just a few years prior.

      In fact, they still do. They’re just currently not as vocal about it.