absolutely not. The federal charges have the death penalty attached.
Remember, the rich fucks need this to end. They certainly don’t want us getting ideas. And the fastest way to do that would be to have him wind up dead before they can drag his name through the mud in a show trial. that would turn him into a martyr.
Lol they said that and my first thought was, “what, is there a risk of some billionaire CEO bursting into the courtroom to exact revenge?”
You never know . When your rich and famous you can do whatever you want
absolutely not. The federal charges have the death penalty attached.
Remember, the rich fucks need this to end. They certainly don’t want us getting ideas. And the fastest way to do that would be to have him wind up dead before they can drag his name through the mud in a show trial. that would turn him into a martyr.
Hey, it just takes one unhinged rich dude to not think for a second, and I can count many years of combined thoughtlessness from just one idiot alone.
He should complain that the vest is restrictive and that he can’t breathe.
Great idea, cry wolf so that people who really can’t breathe are ignored.
There could be interests making him a martyr of some kind, so CEOs will protect him.
I mean kinda…you know Trump’s type
idk even the MAGAts like Luigi
A billionaire can afford a hit man