the difference between eating mushrooms and eating mold is the difference between oral sex and vore
“why is that we eat the fruit and not the tree?”
No one:
Everyone: adds a pointless “No one:” above perfectly valid memes
And on top of that, a pointless Twitter comment.
I swear, every meme nowadays is three levels of reaction deep.
But how will i drive engagement to my shitter page if i don’t slap my username on every meme I find?
Srsly? It’s pretty simple - some forms of mold are delicious and others aren’t.
Here’s another mystery to ponder: Why do people generally love having sex but hate doing housework that involves the same amount of effort? Have fun.
There’s housework that involves lying down while someone else puts in all the effort?
Most molds are about as closely related to mushrooms as flatworms are to humans
Not to be confused with ringworms which are, in fact, a mold.
“mould” vs “would”
Would mould live on live wood?
Stupid language (it’s the only one I speak)
…is bread mold harmful to eat?
Fuck, I remember Gumby. What happened to that guy?
I dunno. I miss him, though… and his pony pal Pokey, too.
Maybe the blockheads finally got him.
For a costume event, I got a Gumby outfit and put a gladiator shirt over it. I don’t think anybody got it.
If you keep eating it, you’ll have to change your name to ShartEatingBreakfast
Does it make your guts rumble, fr??
I’ve heard of people eating bread that had mold on it but not knowing it because the only visible mold was on the other side of the loaf, they had eaten it for a few days and had the shits
99% of mold gives humans something between mild discomfort and death. The remaining 1% tastes good with butter.
Not quiet
98.99% of mold gives humans something between mild discomfort and death, 1% tastes good with butter. The the remaining 0.01% is estimated to have saved over half a billion lives.
And then there are the few lucky people who die a whole lot faster if they take that .01%
And 0.00001% makes me see and feel funny things
More of them do that, but only once.
Pretty sure the antibiotics also taste good with butter.
What doesn’t taste good with butter?
Kale, raw fresh fruit, sushi.
Ah, so there are 3 options- discomfort, death, and nutrition. Therefore, every time you eat a fungus, you have a 1/3 chance of dying. Thanks for the info!
True; some mold is actually medicine. Therefore you only have 1/4 chance of dying.
Yeah? Then successfully explain how statistics work, smart guy. But I warn you, there’s a 50% chance you’ll fail.
Or when growing in cheese.
Cheese also tastes good with butter.
This bacterium gives me the sniffles. This other bacterium liquefies and eats my muscles. But if I don’t have enough of this other bacterium in me, I get violent explosive shits??
“Has entered the chat” has entered the chat. Itt
Kombucha and sourdough bread have now entered the chat.
Blue cheese would like a word.
Whoa there… We eat mold too if they’re the right type and on the right things.
I’ve been sucking off genitalia this whole time?!
Cheese and yoghurt enter the chat.
laughs in alcohol