Dank voor de reacties trouwens. Ben blij dat er gewoon een Nederlandse gemeenschap is buiten Reddit.
Jammer alleen dat ik in de reacties m’n anonieme account voor altijd heb gekoppeld met mijn niet-anonieme account.
Dank voor de reacties trouwens. Ben blij dat er gewoon een Nederlandse gemeenschap is buiten Reddit.
Jammer alleen dat ik in de reacties m’n anonieme account voor altijd heb gekoppeld met mijn niet-anonieme account.
Just to clarify, in the video I hoover the (unfortunately invisible) cursor above the comment links, which then appear at the bottom of the screen.
Lol, I didnt see the screenshot yet. Thanks.
(Doesn’t it make sense to separate these options?)
(Loving the updates of the latest jerboa version BTW)
Great story
Cool stuff. Any chance you can share some pics of your graffiti?
Hi there! Great that you’re here. Among other things, I would be curious to read about what is happening in your corner of the world. For instance in terms of biodiversity and attempts to map/protect it.
You mean get rid of family and friends right?
Could it have to do with the fact that you selected “top of all time”?
I had the same question: https://mander.xyz/post/701221
There is interesting correspondence about this between Newton and Burnet, as documented by Gould in his 1987 “Time’s arrow, Time’s cycle”:
Newton suggested to Burnet that “the paradox of creation in but six days might be resolved by arguing that the earth rotated much more slowly then, producing a “day” of enormous extent.”
To which Burnet incredulously responded “But if the revolutions of the earth were thus slow at first, how came they to be swifter? From natural causes or supernatural?”
Burnet also objected that long early days would stretch the lives of patriarchs even beyond the already problematical 969 of Methuselah and his compatriots—and that while organisms might enjoy sunny days of such extended length, the long nights might become unbearable: “If the day was thus long what a doleful night would there be”.
/e/ os seems to be running Android 12, which I believe is the latest?
But yes, a different launcher solves the issue!
Yes, I also did that for some time yes. Maybe I should start doing that again. Good tip to use screen for this.