just like we had lemmygrad.ml as an alternative for Reddit, we need to have an alternative for discord. discord’s new policies have been supressing servers and members left and right. Now there are some options that I want to present here

Guilded: Basically very nice UI, it’s completely free most nitro features of discord are completely free on Guilded. it has got more features that discord doesn’t have the only issue is that it is gaming centric and majority communities are related to gaming

Revolt: Github open source like lemmy same features as discord, good UI, there are some features like that it lacks but upcoming and promising.

slack and matrix are trash don’t fall for it

If somehow discord server gets banned, you would be thanking me for this.

thank you for reading and upvoting

  • loathesome dongeater@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    Matrix has baked in encryption, can be self hosted and has a large team of developers behind it so it is least likely to not be vapourware. The clients are not great but that’s a fine compromise. With their newly released rust SDK some might become faster. But I guess it’s trash because you can’t spam emotes in it.

    • SpiderEye@lemmygrad.mlOP
      2 years ago
      1. Matrix is slow af
      2. Matrix has less features than aforementioned alternatives, it doesn’t even have proper media sharing code, all embeds stay as it is
      3. UI is bad, comparatively
      4. matrix also asks for money for additional features which is not the case for guilded and revolt
      5. matrix is more like telegram chat than an actual server
    • SpaceCowboy@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      I would not migrate across platforms. Lemmygrad is great specifically because of how little info it requests.

      Like I would not use a discord to talk about this kind of thing guys… And I would certainly not use the same username or info as on my lemmygrad account.

      Edit: Only a fucking Narc or gullible idiot would downvote someone talking about keeping a strict comsec protocol. Y’all DO NOT TRUST THE INTERNET to talk about sensitive stuff especially if you live in a core or periphery country (I think our comrades in the periphery countries are the most at risk of ending up on a list but in the core we are at risk as well as things deteriorate)

      Migrations are where lapses in anonymity occur and then your entire online footprint is compromised. There is likely a paper trail on ISPs, VPNs, etc that link all of us to being commies, but the more layers you can keep hard to access (requiring warrants, or the creation of backdoors, etc) , the better off you will be. Each link in that chain should be kept as difficult as possible - why I use a VPN based in Switzerland. Overall though the most secure way to stay safe is to never talk about DOING anything on the internet.

        • SpaceCowboy@lemmygrad.ml
          2 years ago

          That’s good, I also trust reccs from your account much higher than an account I have never seen on here who goes on at length about this topic. Herding people into a compromised platform would be a massive win for surveillance. It’s a discussion worth having.

          • It would definitely be much safer to have a Matrix server managed by the Lemmygrad hosts, but even if we use an existing server, Matrix is still far less risky than Discord as long as end-to-end encryption isn’t disabled. As you said, especially for those living in Amerika and similar countries where you could absolutely be targeted for being a communist, it’s likely very important to stay anonymous.

            (Don’t trust me too much; I’ve only been privacy-conscious for five-ish years and don’t have a background in network security)

            • Arsen6331 ☭@lemmygrad.ml
              2 years ago

              There is a matrix server, and it has many of its rooms encrypted. You can join by doing vetting here: https://matrix.to/#/#gzdvetting:tedomum.net I am in the server, and had some issues due to the fact that I self-host my matrix homeserver and am using an experimental implementation, but as long as you use a Synapse server, which is most of them, you should be fine.

        • SpaceCowboy@lemmygrad.ml
          2 years ago

          “I downvoted you for complaining about downvotes”

          I only mentioned downvotes because the creator of this thread has downvoted literally every contradictory opinion and that is a data point that indicates a general intransigence. I don’t mind being downvoted at all, but the decision to downvote so consistently is a data point.

          • pinkeston@lemmygrad.ml
            2 years ago

            Imma be real, fighting against NSA and Silicon Valley is hopeless regardless

            Even if you’re using Tails and encrypted messaging like Matrix, they will still easily track you down if they want to. It’s happened before. You think they care about warrants? Backdoors? They’re already all in place.

            The average person will never take measures anywhere close as secure to this

            You say the more layers between you the better you’ll be but that’s not true. The moment you step out of line like those dumbasses on Twitter saying they want to start a revolution or be like Second Thought and make widespread messages, you’ll be tracked down and get feds knocking on your door

            They already won on the media front, technological front (security, surveillance, censorship, access, data, everything), and ideological front

            Talking about sensitive stuff is completely meaningless right now. Maybe try in like 50 years when the average person is homeless and starving. Conditions are nowhere near ready, especially when you consider the most insane propaganda campaign that they have won, are currently winning, and will continue winning

            Just shitpost and hand out food and supplies to your fellow citizens or smth

            • SpaceCowboy@lemmygrad.ml
              2 years ago

              Hopeless is not a language in my vocabulary. Sure, I acknowledge that comsec is an uphill battle, but the actual way that world operates is way more stovepiped than people think from the outside looking in. The inter-departmental approval to use x, y, or z backdoors or warrants is not straightforward at all. To say nothing of the intergovernmental cooperation! Regardless, I am not gonna make it easy for them to know who I am. (I actually have experience in the military side of that world… they are not omnipotent at all)

              I think that the idea that we are nowhere near ready is a bit pessimistic but in a quite naive way. The average american is propagandized to shit, sure, but they are not as stupid as the propaganda has led you to believe. when the material reality diverges from the propaganda consistently then it will not take 50 years. Humans are not monoliths and the life of the average american is accelerating towards just pure suck.

              Don’t abdicate your duty to the struggle based off of the illusion which the capitalist propaganda has created for you. Your negativity is a result of a different arm of their propaganda campaign just as much as the people who think capitalism is good. They are not omnipotent or all powerful.

              • pinkeston@lemmygrad.ml
                2 years ago

                I just don’t think it’s a good use of time or effort for 99.99999% of people to larp

                Only useful for bourgeoisie class traitors, journalists, people with large followings (like BayArea previously, Max Blumenthal, etc.) etc.

                • SpaceCowboy@lemmygrad.ml
                  2 years ago

                  It’s not larping. This is real life, people are killed, imprisoned, and rendered homeless for the affiliations many on here voice on a regular basis.

                  Comsec is a real skill and it is most certainly not “only useful” for class traitors, journos, etc. It is their decision if they choose to listen but I will certainly not stop voicing my opinion and insight on it.

                  Also, it is becoming clear you didn’t downvote me for complaining about downvotes you downvoted me because you think that taking comsec seriously is a waste of time. Imagine if the people who hid my jewish grandfather had said the same “The Nazis are gonna find out you’re a jew anyway, let’s just tell them your jewish, it’s not like they’ll do anything about you, you don’t have a large following.”

                  Stop listening to the capitalist propaganda, comrade.

  • boston_key_party@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    I agree. Build dual power before you think you’ll need it so you can’t be kicked at a critical moment like the US did to China with GPS.