I’ve always pronounced the word “Southern” to rhyme with howthurn. I know most people say it like “suthurn” instead. I didn’t realize that the way I pronounce it is considered weird until recently!
I pronounce caramel as “care-uh-mell”.
People always say something and I reply with “no, Carmel is a [beach-town in California], I’m talking about caramel”.agghh these comments my eyes the fauxnetics please god why can’t Lemmy have a bigger linguistics community and you mfs wonder why i still use Reddit
There just aren’t many linguists unfortunately. I’m a huge grammar and language nerd but learning IPA takes time and exposure to a lot of sounds you’re not used to. I wish more of the reddit linguists would come over. Even the grammar communities here are dead.
If you start one I will subscribe
I over-pronounce Wednesday. Like wed-nes-day. Most people say wendsday.
Also apparently I’m weird for pronouncing jewelry correctly. I pronounce it like it is spelled, and what it means. It is personal ornaments often containing jewels. Jewel-ry. Not Joolery.
Same thing with Aunt. It’s not Ant. There is a U in there.
It may surprise you that outside of the US, the word is spelled ‘jewellery’ (three syllables)
How about Chipotle as cheepotole
Friend says Chipoltay
I love this. I say cheese-poodle.
“It is called ‘baggel’. I lived in New York.”
I say appree-see-ate for appreciate, and artif-isss-ee-al for artificial.
Bona fide. It’s latin, you say it Bow-nah Fee-day.
Et cetera is similarly “et ketera”, unless you’re using Italianate ecclesiastical pronunciation. Then it’s “et chetera”, hard ch like church in English.
Nice ! have you studied Latin ? I studied very shortly but my interest piqued only after that brief period
Only bit at uni and that was over two decades ago. I only use what I learned to produce technically correct yet insufferable Latin pronunciations to lovingly harass friends and family.
haaaahh we’re the same breed. cheers
Two immediately come to mind.
First is “Comfortable”. I pronounce each part of the word: “COME-for-tuh-bull”. Many people give me weird looks and insist on “Comf-turr-bull”.
The other is more niche and has to do with League of Legends.
There is a champion whose theme is moonlight. His backstory is that he belongs to a moon cult who opposes a group that is am Order of the Sun type group. This character is an edgelord whose whole thing is darkness and midnight etc etc.
His name is a combination of the Greek “Ap” meaning “furthest from” and “Helios” meaning the sun. His name is Greek for “the one furthest from the sun” in this moon cult.
In Greek, “ph” does not make the “fuh” sound. His name should rightly be pronounced “App-Hee-lee-ose”
But all the casters and developers call him “Uhh-fell-ee-ose” and it drives me absolutely insane.
I pronounce dragon as dragòn, if you know what I mean.
I used to pronounce “adjacent” as adjuhsent.
I tend to say Wensleydale, Tuesleydale and Thursleydale as the days of the week. It started as a thing I said to myself because I found it funny, but occasionally I’ll slip and say one of them out loud when I’m tired.
My SO’s family all like to pronounce “mauve” in a weird way, so I say it every chance I get to perturb them.
I’m Dutch. I pronounce the -en at de ends of words, including the n. If you don’t know, that’s like 10% of all Dutch words
Bala-tro, not Ba-lottro.
I purposely pronouce “download” like dunlaad to annoy my SO.