And the study was even proven wrong in the 17th century. A finite amount of monkeys already produced Shakespeare in a finite amount of time; it took roughly 55 million years.
Source: Primates show up in the fossil records, dating to roughly 55mill years. And Shakespeare’s complete works were most likely completed by William Shakespeare, a famous decendant of said primates.
Primates ≠ monkeys
If baboons and macaques are monkeys, and if howlermonkeys and spidermonkeys are monkeys, humans MUST be monkeys.
Because they can ONLY both be monkeys if their common ancestor was also a monkey and we share that very same common ancestor. In fact we are closer related to macaques and baboons than to spidermonkeys, which means we share a more recent common ancestor with old world monkeys than both us and the other old world monkeys share with the new world monkeys.
Cladistically, you can not outgrow your ancestry.
Humans are apes, apes are a subgroup of monkeys, monkeys are a subgroub of primates.
Monkeys are a social construct. Like trees.
If trees aren’t real, how can our birds be real?
…I am so sorry
Simiiformes is a clear and distinct clade.
There is no such thing for trees, because “tree” is a botanical classification, not a cladistical one.
Simiiformes is a clear and distinct clade.
Yes but who says that specific clade maps to the colloquial taxonomic word “monkey”?
Monkeys are specifically non-ape simians.
We’re all apes
And apes are monkeys